Tuesday, January 27, 2009

73% Girls


Yes, it is true. 73% girls. Awesome huh? And of those 27% male, mmm not so many that are absolute quality guys. And none that are very attractive. I think my moms wish of me meeting some Spanish man and falling in love will maybe come true after all.

Perez and I are getting along great, we live really well together. And by live I mean spend just about every minute together. It’s sad when I’m in class all day and never see her. She’s amazing, has such a wonderful heart AND makes me laugh all the time. The only time I could say she’s been difficult is in the morning when she yells at me because she doesn’t wanna get out of bed and blames me for her tiredness haha which then just makes me laugh. Or the times she yells at me in her sleep- she can be quite snarky when she’s asleep. But I am so thankful to have her here with me; she is enhancing this experience that much more.

Our cabin already feels like home. We have pictures and quotes and sticky notes ALL over our walls, plus a large map of the world with our voyage traced out with string. Since the ship is all metal we can put magnets just about everywhere (and no tape is allowed) so we stick everything on our walls to make it feel more homey-and it’s definitely working. Plus, we get to see our lovely friends from homes faces every single day, which makes us really happy.

Our cabin is the first one right off of the main stairwell and we’re right on the corner- which is nice for a lot of reasons. Our room is bigger for one. And we put a dry erase board out on our door with a picture of us on it and anyone we meet is like oh yeah I walk by your room all the time -It’s in a good spot for people to come by.

Oh and we’ve already been termed “The Ashleys”- basically since the first people we met. But our good friends are starting to learn to use Ferg and Perez, although it’s taking a little time for it to catch on. Whenever I use it, because I’m so used to saying Perez, people just don’t understand it. But it makes it a lot easier for people to remember us.

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