Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Welcome to my blog! Now you can follow me as I travel around the world on Semester at Sea. Unfortunately, Perez and I’s other website that we created before the trip isn’t going to work out so this is gonna substitute that. We only get an allotted number of minutes of internet (and it’s not much at all) until we have to start paying way too much for more and that website was taking of too much of that.

We are able to get email at all times while on the ship though so please please email us! We absolutely love hearing from everyone at home and are thinking about you tons so it makes our day so much better when we get some emails, just to hear from you and to hear what is going on back home! Thanks for visiting!

Ferg- anferguson@semesteratsea.net

Perez- alperez@semesteratsea.net

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