Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Schedule on the Ship


Here’s a little tid bit of my day so you can get an idea of our daily routine on the boat:

Our schedule goes by A and B days- The only way I know today is date-wise, and day of the week wise- is because of a calendar we put up in our cabin. Other than that I only know that it is B3. You rarely ever see any date posted somewhere on the ship.

0740 our alarm goes off
0742 my phone alarm goes off because Perez usually doesn’t wake up to the first one- and when I say usually I mean never.
0750 another snooze alarm goes off and we finally make it out of bed- especially necessary if we had lost an hour that night because of a time change
0800 crawl to breakfast, barely awake, where Alan (our buddy on the crew) has our normal table by the window waiting with coffee and orange juice
0830 we’re back in our room, usually sending emails and relaxing
0920-1035 Global Studies, which everyone has to be at each morning- the big auditorium (The Union) is at the front of the ship and rocks much more than the rest so it’s easy to get sick- so we sit in a classroom instead and watch it on the TV

My A days are free of class after this so I usually head up to the deck and read for class (that’s all our homework is, lots of reading) or hang out around the ship, get stuff done, random things usually. A list of group work outs just came out- pilates, yoga, aerobics (oh yes there is Jerns, but it won’t be the same as Suz)- so I’ll have to check those out.

My B days are quite different-
1045-1200 Intro to Art (Art History)
Grab a sandwich in the dining hall and eat on the way to my next class
1215-1330 International Service-Learning
1335-1450 Dumb English Lit (you can tell how much I love this one)

Usually a nap is thrown in there somewhere before dinner when we get a chance

1800 Dinner
and then various night activities – they have things like swing dance/salsa lessons or movies or seminars (like we had one on Obama’s race speech and how he relates to MLK- awesome) or just hang out in the lounge and play catch phrase, random things like that
Also, we’ve signed up for lots of clubs so we’ll have meetings for those- that yet to come

2130ish Pub Night is each night, held on the top deck- the only time people actually get dressed up a little bit and a prime time for meeting everyone- you’re only allowed 4 drinks, I guess for safety reasons (they’ve had a kid fall overboard because he was so drunk) – or we’ll just hang out around the ship, there’s always lots to do and lots of people to meet so we’re never really bored or sitting around without much to do

Also-there’s a court that is basketball on B days and volleyball on A days- adds loads of fun to our evenings. And there’s a work-out room, which surprisingly we’ve been using haha try running on a rocking ship, super fun!

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