Monday, February 2, 2009

Seasick booo


Just got word that we still haven’t been able to fill up our gas because of rough seas (they only term it rough seas when things are flying off of surfaces- example: I was in the dining hall and trays were sliding off the counter and all across the floor) and waves like this are too dangerous for the boat that has to bring us our gas line. So they’re hoping that it’ll calm down before this evening and we’ll be able to get to Morocco by morning.

A little later in the day…

We were able to get gas by early afternoon and have made it to Casablanca! We can’t get off until tomorrow morning but at least we’re here! I got seasick today- the waves were awffuullll. Luckily no throwing up, probably because I didn’t eat anything to throw up, and could only eat some bread once we reached land and got more stable. Those patches really do wonders. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really get out of bed all day so Tyler Johnson, Perez and I walked Titanic haha not the best day to watch that kind of a movie, but still enjoyable!

But while we were at dinner, there was an announcement that we were rounding a corner and had to turn the stabilizers off, so “secure your belongings and hold on to yourselves” haha that sent a buzz through the dining hall! Practically everyone in there went back to their rooms to endure the crazy waves, and boy were they crazy! We would lose sight of the lights on the horizon completely as we tilted one way and then was looking at white water the next! It was absolutely insane! EVERYTHING on our counters flew off onto the floor, it was hilarious!

We had another open mic tonight- they had to improvise some kind of activities since we were supposed to be in Morocco today- and Perez got up there once again and sang another one of her songs. People are obsessed with her California in the Fall song (which she wrote for me, I must say), she’s become quite the little celebrity!

So sad that we lost a day in Morocco, but ooh well, I guess you have to be prepared for those kinds of things to happen! We’re hopping on a train to Marrakech early tomorrow morning with a big group (practically everyone on this ship has the same plan) and spending a few days there probably, we have NO plans besides getting on that train. It’s kind of exciting, yet we were given a long lecture on safety. I guess Morocco isn’t the safest place for tourists so we’re gonna have to be really careful but it should be a lot of fun! I really don’t know what to expect, I don’t know anything about Morocco! Please pray for us and our safety! LOVE

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